Friends Of Government Canyon

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President's Note - Spring 2018

So much is going on at GCSNA. As you will read in more detail below, we’re working on bringing more children to the SNA. This is a great way to educate inner city children and grow future advocates for our environment. This program will be expanding and was kicked off by one of one of our board members, Billy Lambert and his wife Celeste. Great job!!

We have a new Discovery Trail kiosk thanks to UTSA architectural students. This project grew out of a relationship with Billy Lambert and Darryl Ohlenbusch AIA, architectural professor at UTSA.  The senior class worked with board members and GCSNA staff to develop and build the new kiosk. The Friends group bought the materials and the students were the labor. Truly a collaborative project if ever there was one! Please make an effort to visit the new kiosk on your next visit.

We are still fund raising for the amphitheater project. Take a look at the new signage at the Visitor Center, encouraging donations and feel free to make one!!

It’s getting hot so plan your visits accordingly.  Hope to see you out at the SNA!

Peter Grojean, President